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Why are organizations moving towards containerization?

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

As a company's operations grow, so does its IT system. Any change can present a challenge because new features are added and scaled. Containerization has evolved over the years and has allowed companies to grow while maintaining an efficient organization.


Just as a businessman revolutionized the shipping industry more than 60 years ago by using containers the size of a trailer to transport merchandise; Today's container technology is changing how companies deploy and use applications in the data center and public cloud. According to a recent Forbes article, container adoption is growing rapidly in businesses, much faster than expected. And according to a recent Gartner report, "By 2023, more than 70% of global organizations will run more than two containerized applications in production, up from less than 20% in 2019."

Using containers allows you to scale those applications and establish a clear path between the source and destination platforms. Containers are more portable and offer greater flexibility than virtual machines. When combined with an orchestration system, such as Kubernetes, you can run the same container on any Linux operating system.

Through containers, developers can create applications using services accessible through an API instead of a monolithic application. Because containers are lightweight and portable, they tend to be the ideal operating environment for microservices, so developers can easily make a small change to an application and take it out immediately without affecting other microservices.

Why? Because this process is ideal for organizations that must enable support for a wide range of devices and platforms.

Likewise, one of the main reasons for the change in the last few years about the implementation of containers was the ease that Docker brought, which allowed developers to code and move around containers. Still, there are several other reasons for the increase of the trend, I show you some:

  • Encapsulation - Before Docker, container handling was difficult, to say the least. But now, with a better user experience, it is easier to manage containers and package your applications.

  • Modular - With the advent of cloud computing, many organizations have started to opt for the microservices architecture over the already existing monolithic core. Because containers are modular, they easily fit into the microservices architecture and can also be moved.

  • Portability - Since containers are portable, developers can build an application and run it on almost any platform without major code modifications.

It’s necessary to look to the future, learning from the past; in this way, containerization opens the door to several opportunities to help its customers with multiple benefits such as efficiency, portability, speed, scalability, improved security, and agility.

Finally, I want to leave you with some of the containerization trends in this blog, which we will talk about in the next opportunity.

  1. Kubernetes.

  2. Manage the proliferation of IoT at the edge of the network using containers.

  3. Service Mesh for containers traffic management and as a security layer.

Containerization is a significant and responsible trend to transform software development and implementation. Container adoption is likely to grow in the coming years due to its unmatched benefits and potential.

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Teracloud helps you implement a monitoring solution that provides full-stack observability without changing code, container images, or deployments.

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